Friday, February 4, 2011

the mediator series. . .(review)

the mediator by meg cabot is one of my recent favorite books. susanna simon and jessie desilva is the mai characters. . .when i finished the 1st book, i was cravig and cravinng for the ext book and the i finshed all the mediator series and believe me! it was fatastic! the eding was just so great! meg cabot is one of my favorite authors! the best! she really has the power in making novels and makig her readers wat to crave more for her books.

the books that i have read by meg cabot are:

1. first ever book i read from meg is the all-america girl and thats the start of my love for meg. . .

2. second book i read from meg is JINX, its about a girl who's great great grandma is a witch. . .this is very interesting. . .the setting of the story is in new york, if im not mistaken. . . :)

3. 3rd is the book 2 of all american girl which is "ready or not", this is a continuation of  sam's life. . .and also david his bf. . .

4. 4th book i read from meg is the mediator series. . .OMG! this is the best series ever!!! if jessie desilva i the book really exist, ill fall for him. . .:) i've had sleepless nights because of this cause i just can't stop until i finished all the books. . .coz every chapter is so exciting and thrilling. . .my favorite is the book 5 "the haunted" and book 6 "twilight". . .

6. and now i'm currently reading "how to be popular". . .

:::::::::meg cabot is the best. . .i promise you read her books and you'll love it. . .im not promoting on her behalf because i've never met and know her personally, just o her books. . .so i'm telling you based on experience. . .


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